Sunday, November 20, 2016

Propionibacterium acnes,the most common skin bacteria, secretes a protein with antioxidant capacity.

Nowadays, it is known that almost half of human being are bacteria. We call it microbiome. We read a lot of studies about gut microbiota as it is linked to gastrointestinal diseases.

Interestingly, in this study, the researchers studied skin microbiota.
P. acnes is the most ubiquitous bacteria in skin. It is well known for being associated with acne vulgaris. This bacteria is anaerobe meaning it grows in absence of oxygen. However, the skin can be subjected to several enviromental stress conditions like oxidative stress (ROS). In this study, the scientists show that P. acnes release an enzyme, RoxP that helps protecting the skin from oxydative stress.

RoxP is highly conserved amongst P.acnes strains. Using assays with heme, they showed in vitro that P. acnes acts as an antioxidant.

In previous studies, psoriasis was linked to decrease in P. acnes. We could think that the lack of RoxP is a significant element causing the disease. Other studies need to be led in other to know the extend of the benefit of RoxP.

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Friday, November 11, 2016

USB stick: 

A new method to measure HIV-1 viral load in the blood stream!

Ok, ok, ...I extrapolate a lot.
However it could happen in a near future. A team of scientist in London developed a pH sensing semiconductor in order to measure HIV-1 viremia. A small sample of blood can be placed on phone chip and onto a USB spot. Any HIV-1 virus present will change the pH which translated into an electric signal. Innovative!

The technology could be used for other viruses like hepatitits.

If you want to read more:

HIV test performed on USB stick
Novel pH sensing semiconductor for point-of-care detection of HIV-1 viremia


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